Soothers & Accessories
Soon the probably most exciting and beautiful challenge of your life will begin: Your baby will be born and you, as a mum or dad, couldn't be happier or more proud about your little one! Especially in the first few months of life, you give your little darling a lot of attention and want to be perfectly equipped for all eventualities. The popular soother, which soothes your baby in every situation and provides gentle moments of well-being is an integral part of yours baby's basic equipment.
The soother: For your child's healthy oral development
Why you should not do without the little helper in your everyday life is simple: The movements your baby use when it kicks, reaches for something, lifts its head or sucks on a soother are important in your child's daily training programme, because muscles in the legs and arms, in the back and also in the face have to be developed and trained. The interaction of a flexible tongue, strong jaw muscles and a correctly formed palate is an essential prerequisite for healthy, trouble-free breathing, effortless food intake and later speech development.
The special feature of NUK soothers
All NUK soothers have the orthodontically correct NUK shape and an anatomically shaped mouth plate made of high-quality plastic. Our soothers also feature the Air System, which means that air can escape from the teat through a valve. This keeps it soft and sufficiently flat to prevent jaw deformations. A further advantage of the NUK soother is the NUK size concept: We offer you and your baby the right soother size for every age group and every type of food. This is because soothers and teats should adapt optimally to the oral cavity and thus to your child's natural jaw development at every stage of early life. With natural products or special plastics, the NUK soothers are soft and adapt to the child's palate. At the same time, they score points with many different, cute and colourful motifs, making them a loyal companion on your beloved child's exciting discovery tours.
Which is the right soother?
When choosing the right soother, the material of the teat also plays an important role, since you can choose between latex or silicone soothers. Latex particularly excels with its high elasticity, extreme resilience, high tensile and tearing strength, extraordinary flexibility, environmentally friendly disposal and the fact that it does not easily become statically charged, which means that latex does not attract dust. This type of soother is, therefore, particularly recommended for small children who are growing their first teeth. Silicone soothers, on the other hand, are easy to clean and are particularly resistant to temperature. They are free of harmful substances, boil-proof, odourless, transparent and have a smooth surface. If you are unsure which material is best for your child, you can also let him decide for himself - since many babies only accept one of the materials.
Useful accessories for the soother
Our soothers can be optimally complemented with pretty soother chains or ribbons. You can use these to fix the soother in place so that it cannot be dropped. Thus, the soother cannot get lost so easily and does not get dirty. Our soother chains and ribbons are tested according to the European safety standard and are available in many great designs and colours.